Introducing Suralink
secure document sharing and tracking
We are pleased to introduce Suralink as our newest client service technology for businesses. Suralink operates much like Portal, with additional features that will streamline the process of requesting and sharing documents and tracking the progress of your engagement(s).
If you have used Portal in the past, you will automatically be transitioned to Suralink. The e-mail address used in Portal will receive an invitation to create a password and allow access to your engagement(s). Please note the e-mail invitation will come directly from “Suralink Support”.
If you have not used Portal in the past but would like to utilize Suralink, please contact us; we would be happy to assist in setting up an account for you.
Suralink Quick-Start Overview
Landing Page – you will have two icons at the top right-hand side of your screen: Clients and Engagements. A drop-down under Engagements will list “Active Engagements”. Clicking on an engagement takes you to the Request List and Request Detail Pane (described below).
Request List – Left side of screen. This is a comprehensive list of all items being requested by SDM in order to complete your engagement. The list will update in real-time while your project is in preparation.
Request Detail Pane – Right side of screen. This is the detail section corresponding to each item on the Request List. Users may drag & drop files here, make comments, and mark items as fulfilled.
A short introduction video on Suralink can be found by clicking here. We provided step by step instructions for setting up your account below. Additionally, the Client Tutorial is available below.